Fitzroy Centre Clubhouse is an internationally accredited, recovery-based program for people living with mental illness. We follow Clubhouse International's Standards that value personal choice, relationships, community, collaboration, and contributing to meaningful work.
We offer a wide range of supports and services to assist individual's with their personal goals and recovery journey. These include prevocational training, skill development, employment, education, housing, wellness and social programs, advocacy, referrals and more.


Aaron's story
Hi, my name is Aaron and I reside at 181 Kent St in an apartment provided by Fitzroy Centre. Fitzroy Centre strives to provide myself and the other tenants with safe, decent affordable housing. Having my own space is beneficial to my mental health and I take pride in my apartment. I think a nice place to live is crucial to an individual’s health and wellbeing. Truly, I am blessed to live at 181 Kent.
Cindy's story
When I first made the decision to come to the Centre, I had no idea what I was about to embark in. I never thought I would like Admin work but I love it. I had no idea when I started it would be life changing. Every single time I leave Fitzroy Centre I feel I contributed to something and have people in my corner who are rooting for me.

Bob's story
Hi, my name is Bob. Since coming to Fitzroy Centre, I have made new relationships and friends. I attend on average three times a week, initially helping in the cafeteria then getting involved in social recreation activities. I feel a sense of security knowing I have this support. I really look forward to coming to Fitzroy Centre, I feel a real sense of belonging.

Darlene's story
My journey began with a TE (Transitional Employment) 4 years ago as a backup crossing guard with the city police. I was reliable, caring, and a good worker. I still work as a crossing guard, and love it. When I’m not working, I come in on a regular basis, usually 3 times a week, to Fitzroy Centre and help with any work order day tasks because I like to be busy.