Employment Unit
Through partnership with Skills PEI, the employment unit at Fitzroy Clubhouse, is able to offer Employment Assistance Services for Supported Employment, Independent Employment, and Transitional Employment Placements.
We work with members to achieve their employment goals through job searching, one-on-one career decision-making, job preparation skills, and pre-vocational training. We are here to advocate to employers on behalf of members entering or re-entering the workforce.
Our day-to-day consists of staff and members working together in the unit completing work order day tasks, facilitating weekly meetings, providing individual supports, and monthly employment skills sessions.
What We Offer
Transitional Employment Program
Transitional Employment (TE) provides members part-time temporary employment in the community, using real work experience and skills while allowing members to increase self-esteem and confidence.

Supported Employment
We work actively to promote member strengths with potential employers. We build strong relationships with new employers and offer support with access to wage subsidies & training, and employment maintenance for both members and employers.

Independent Employment
For members seeking independent employment we offer one-on-one support, group support, goal setting, career counseling, marketing and skill development, preparation for work and more!

Individual Supports
We provide one-on-one support, which includes job searching & interview prep, ongoing job coaching, employment maintenance, career counseling, help with education or school, and whatever else you may need assistance with!

Work-Ordered Day
Members and staff work together daily completing tasks in the unit such as weekly meetings, keeping up the resource area, helping create schedules, finding jobs of the week, employment statistics, TEP payroll and running the reception desk.
Funded by the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning through the Canada-PEI Labour Market Agreements.